The Party

Our Heroes consist of four mutant animals raised by a now deceased ninja master in Vancouver, Canada; and now on a road trip across a crumbing mutated and zombie infested North America to find answers in New York City.

Jet Li Rocket 


The Leader
Heroic and Boisterous
Player Name: Curtis
Character Name: Jet Li Rocket
Motivation: PRIDE 
Mutant Animal Type: Raccoon
Martial Arts Type: Ninjutsu (4th lvl)
Signature Weapon:

IQ: 19 -- ME: 14 -- MA: 13
PS: 16 -- PP: 18 -- PE: 15 -- PB: 6 -- Spd: 20

SDC: + 8

Speak and Write English and Japanese 98%
Basic Math 98%
Interrogation 46%
Strategy/Tactics ?
Pick Locks (3rd lvl) 51%
WP Sword (3rd lvl)
WP Archery/Targeting (3rd lvl)
WP Blunt (3rd lvl)
Prowl (4th lvl) 76%
Climbing (3rd lvl) 62%
Pilot: Automobile (2nd lvl) 86%
Land Navigation (3rd lvl) 54%
Swimming (3rd lvl) 72%
Pick Pockets (2nd lvl) 41%
Basic Mechanics 46%
First-Aid (3rd lvl) 66%


The Leader can inspire a person or group to take a single simple coherent action without any rolls.


The leader makes a charm roll to stir up a crowd to fight alongside the heroes. A failing roll means the crowd turns on the heroes.


The Heroic Character may play RESOLUTE to ignore an failed Saving Throw and any subsequent negative effects


The Boisterous character can turn the mood a group in the party's favor automatically without any rolls.

Bruce Lee 'Rocket' Rocket 


The Muscle
Professional and Brooding
Player Name: Kevin
Character Name: Bruce Lee Rocket
Motivation: WRATH
Mutant Animal Type: Raccoon
Martial Arts Type: Ninjutsu (4th lvl)
Signature Weapon:

IQ: 13 -- ME: 13 -- MA: 11
PS: 15 -- PP: 17 -- PE: 14 -- PB 7 -- Spd: 27

SDC: +19

Speak and Write English and Japanese 98%
Basic Math 98%WP Swords (3rd lvl)
WP Blunt (3rd lvl)
WP Paired
Prowl (4th lvl) 70%
Body Building
Climbing (3rd lvl) 66%
Land Navigation (3rd lvl) 48%
Swimming (3rd lvl) 60%
First-Aid (3rd lvl) 60%
Sewing 40%
Detect Concealment (2nd lvl) 35%
Tracking 30%
Detect Ambush 40%


The muscle can use overpower to take a automatically successful strength based grappling attack such as a throw or tackle or push or pin.


For the duration of this fight the muscle can double his combat bonuses at the cost of being unable to use defensive moves at all until the end of combat. 


The Brooding Character can size up opponents and obtain and estimate of the skills and weaknesses


The Professional character may play the courtesy card to have an opponent give them a sporting chance when the Professional character is at a disadvantage.

Jean-Claude Van Rocket


The Smart Guy
Fatalistic and Snarky
Player Name: Damon
Character Name: Jean-Claude Van Rocket
Motivation: GLUTTONY? 
Mutant Animal Type: Raccoon
Martial Arts Type: Ninjutsu (4th lvl)
Signature Weapon:

IQ: 18 -- ME: 13 -- MA: 13
PS: 9 -- PP: 13 -- PE: 12 -- PB 10 -- Spd: 25

SDC: +5

Speak and Write English and Japanese 98%
Basic Math 98%
Pick Locks (3rd lvl) 50%
Intelligence 37%
Detect Concealment (2nd Lvl) 35%
WP Archery/Targeting (3rd lvl)
WP Blunt (3rd lvl)
WP Knife
Computer Operations 45%
Prowl (4th lvl) 75%
Basic Electronics 35%
Read Sensory Instruments 35%
Land Navigation 53%
First-Aid 65%
Pilot: Automobile 85%
Pilot: Motor Boat 65%
Automotive Mechanics 55%


The Smart Guy can use Analyze to Discover a connection or a plot point as long as he has some some idea what he wants to figure out (GM can veto certain answers)


The Smart Guy can attempt to gain plot information by making an relevant skill roll. Failure means he wastes time or is distracted after (bonuses are halved)


The Snarky character can use the Narrative card to automatically spot an upcoming trope or plot element.


The Fatalistic character can use the Weary when the stakes get worse to sigh, shake his head and double defensive combat bonuses for that battle.

Tucker Wilson Rocket


The Wild One
Compassionate and Flaky
Player Name: Brendan
Character Name: Tucker Wilson Rocket
Motivation: SLOTH? 
Mutant Animal Type: Raccoon
Martial Arts Type: Ninjutsu (4th lvl)
Signature Weapon: Daisho (Katana and Wakazashi)

IQ: 8 -- ME: 15 -- MA: 15
PS: 14 -- PP: 16 -- PE: 14 -- PB 13 -- Spd: 12

Speak and Write English and Japanese 98%
Basic Math 98%
Impersonation 40%
Pick Locks 45%
Disguise 40%
WP Sword
WP Archery/Targeting
WP Paired Weapons
Prowl 70%
Ikebana (Floral Arrangement) 30%
Swimming 68%
Radio: Basic 50%
Pick Pockets 35%
Climbing 66%
Bonsai 65%
Poetry (Haiku) 50%
Fishing 60%
Cooking 60%


The Wild One can use Intuition thwart an upcoming dangerous situation with no roll required.


The Wild One can use Luck to alter the luck of a situation. A coin is flipped by the GM, the Wild One calls it in the air. If he guesses right it's good luck. If he's wrong...


The Flaky character may use the wrong skill to attempt any single act, such as using cooking to find a secret door.


The Compassionate character can play this card to have an opponent show mercy when about to kill either the character or somebody else.

More to come later. Keep checking back

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, I vote for us to be one species.
    Middle-aged Mutant Ninjitsu Warthogs! (Or something)
