

Your dead master and sensei, Karai was your adoptive mother, raising you up from infancy and training you in her skills as ninja warriors. She was elderly but not ancient when she passed away, and had clearly survived much. She had traveled widely before settling in Vancouver, and although you were with her for all of this, you were too young to remember. You know she was hiding both herself and you from something, but you do not know what. All her secrets seem to lead back to the east coast, back to New York city and the mysterious brothers.

Sessai Choro

Listed in your dead Master's hidden address book, Sessai Choro is listed as a Yamabushi Priest,  but thus far he seems to be a blind apothecary. He has tasked you with finding his daughter-in-law and his grandson, or bring back their bodies, as they have been kidnapped by the Mutant Hunters. He is gruff and speaks bluntly. He researching your matagama beads and the names in your newly discovered address book.

More to come later. Keep checking back

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